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发布时间: 2021-03-14 16:13:41

1. 八年级上册英语书16页selfcheck答案

1:she should call her cousin's mom or dad.2:she also can talk with his cousi

2. 八年级上册英语书第58至64页答案

P58 2a watermelon,apples,oranges honey
2b orange apples bananas yogurt honey
P59 3a many much much many much
3b b How a How much d What e How much c First turn Finally
P60 1c bread butter tomato lettuce onion
1d bread tomato,onion,cheese lettuce another piece of bread
P61 2b 32415
P62 2d 4 Finally 2 Next 3 Then 1 First
P63 3a have First wash Next cut cook Finally enjoy

3. 八年级上册英语课本75-80页答案


  1. know

  2. do

  3. think

  4. go

  5. will be

  6. told

  7. have

  8. wear

  9. will look

  10. go

  11. walk

  12. will take

  13. take

  14. will be


  1. I'll be late for school.

  2. my parents will be upset

  3. I'll become very healthy

  4. I play soccer after school every day

  5. I don't go to my friend's parties


P be happy

A travel around the world

P go to college

P make a lot of money

A be famous

P get an ecation


1-c, 2-e, 3-a, 4-d, 5-b


A: What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice?

B: I think you should join the Lions.

A: But if I join the Lions now, I’ll never go to college.




  1. It's to do nothing.

  2. She was afraid to tell her problems.

  3. It's to find someone you trust to talk to.

  4. Because they have more experience than us.


  1. to do nothing

  2. talk to anyone

  3. tell her parents

  4. unless you talk

  5. share her problems

  6. run away from

  7. discuss your problems



My friend Jenny has a problem. She is too heavy. I think she should eat less junk food and eat more vegetables and fruit. I think she also should get more exercise. If she eats more vegetables and fruit, she will eat less junk food. If she gets more exercise, she’ll be much thinner soon.


My friend also has two other problems. She is always late for school. I think she shouldn’t stay up later on weekdays. She should get an alarm clock. She should rides her bike to school. If she has an alarm clock, she will get up early.

If she rides her bike to school, it will costs her less time to get to school. She thinks physics is too difficult for her. I think she should take notes in class. She should also do more exercises. She should ask the teacher for help after class.

Self Check


  1. experience

  2. video

  3. teenagers

  4. meeting


  1. are

  2. going

  3. want

  4. if

  5. will

  6. fight

  7. sorry

  8. will


  1. If it rains all weekend, I’ll chat with my friends online and play computer games.

  2. If there’s an English test tomorrow, I’ll go over my books and notes.

  3. If my cousin decides to come and visit from another town, I’ll have a party for him. And I’ll invite a lot of good friends.

4. 初二英语上册,全部答案,第14页

5. 八年级上册英语第八单元 62页答案

1. In the United States.
2. On the fourth Thursday in November.
3. They gave thanks for life and food in their new home after hard time of the last year.
4. By having a big meal at home with their family.
5. The main dish of the Thanksgiving meal is almost always turkey, a large bird.
_First_____, serve it to your friends with some vegetables.
__Next__, put this into the bird.
_Then___, cook it at a very high temperature for a long time.
_Finally___, put everything you need together in a large bowl.

6. 人教英语八年级教材答案p63-p64页答案








7. 八年级上册,英语书64页所有的问题答案

8. 金考卷活页题选八年级上册英语unit8 答案

有这样一个故事:一个远道而来的客人郑重其事地送给主人一个礼盒,主人非常开心地收下了,打开一看只是三个很普通的小金人。主人很奇怪地问远道而来的客人,为何送这样的小金人给他? 客人拿出三个小金人放在桌上,用一根稻草做了一个实验给主人看,当稻草穿过第一个小金人左耳的时候,稻草从右耳出来了;客人又用稻草穿进第二个金人的左耳,稻草立即从金人的嘴里吐了出来;当客人再次把稻草穿进第三个金人的左耳时,却被第三个金人吞进了肚子里,再也出不来了。 这个故事其实告诉了我们一个做人的道理:有种人做人很消极,对什么都不会用心去想,也很难用心去做,对生活是一种混日子的态度。也就是第一个金人,对所有一切都不会经过他的思维,更不会付诸行动,左耳进右耳出了,好像什么都没有发生,这是一种对生活消极对抗的情绪,也是对自己的一种放纵,对好的意见和有建设性的提议甚至都懒得去理会,长时间地沉浸在自己固定的思维里面,不想发展也不想突破,做人以过一天算一天论。 有的人做人在小处很精明,喜欢着眼于眼前利益,也善于利用一切机会,为了显示自己的博闻,喜欢到处打听,然后不负责任地乱说。有的是因为头脑简单,凡事不用大脑,喜欢成为闲谈的主角,也许并没有多大的恶意,只不过对看到的听到的不会加以分析,说出来的话只是别人简单的重复,该说的不该说的都说了出来。谈到有什么居心,也未必有,只不过有时候太热衷于传播一些不切实际的言论,让周围的人感到尴尬甚至搞出很多是非,而且很有可能被别有用心的人利用。做人有时候需要厚道一点,听到的和见到的未必是真实的,片面的言词会伤人于无形,不负责任的传播可能会给别人带来不必要的干扰。这也是第二个金人要告诫人们的:慎重自己的言行。 在一个特定的环境或是一个特定的时期,沉默是最好的处事为人。很多时候的很多事,不是谁想怎样就能怎样的,有许多客观和主观的因素影响着事态的发展。对很多未经证实的言论最好不要评说,放在肚子里,让不好的传闻止于你的沉默,对别人负责也是对自己的尊重。 现代的社会应该是张扬个性的年代,张扬的是自己的自信,沉默的是对一些阴暗的东西。做人的磊落,凭的是真正的能力,而不是踩着别人的肩膀还嫌不够稳妥,用一种似是而非的诽谤获取自己想要的东西,就算一切可以暂时得到,却失去了做人应有的尊严。 “沉默是金。”是在人生纷乱的时刻,沉默静守才能保持自己的清醒。当生活的巨浪袭来的时候,用自己稳健的行动去抵挡,此时语言的力量是苍白的无效的,就算你使尽全身的力量也喊不出和浪涛声相抗衡的音量,沉默不是退让而是积蓄下一次奋起的力量,寻找时机走出人生真正的辉煌。 是从英文谚语中翻译过来的 Speech is silver, silence is gold

9. 八年级上册英语书48页答案.

Self Check
2.want,to be,When,going,going,Where,going,going,to be,going
Tomorrow,I'm going to see a movie.
Next week,I'm going to Beijing.
Next month,I'm going to have a holiday.
Next year,I'm going to be in Grade 9.

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