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1. 2014年初一上学期英语书第11页答案,对不起,我真的没有悬赏啊

练习一一. 1.嶙 .翼 .糟 .伫 .怡 .毫 .蹂 .瓣二. 1.C .轩然大波以泪洗面 匪夷所思 丧尽天良 逍遥法外 提心吊胆 .如:患难之交 布农之交 车笠之交 一面之交 练习二二. 1. 宛转 悠扬 自失起来弥漫在含着豆麦蕴藻之香 . 斜射在山腰上 忽然害了羞 微微露出点粉色 . 白铁无辜铸佞臣 . 悬泉瀑布 飞漱其间 清荣峻茂 . 听取蛙声一片 . 学而不思则罔 . 月有阴晴圆缺 千里共婵娟 三. 1.唐代 杜甫 . C 四. 1.农村生活 农民 . 略五. 向日葵 一串红 黄红相间的花丛,生机勃勃,春意盎然六.略练习三一. 山珍海味 遗臭万年 杂乱无章 点石成金 弱不禁风 粗制滥造 火上浇油 笨嘴拙舌二. 勿施于人 差之千里 五谷不分 满盘皆输 一鸣惊人 百年树人三. 1. 江春入旧年 . 清风半夜鸣蝉 . 今夜月明人尽望 . 海纳百川 . 盈盈一水间 . 便引诗情到碧霄 四. 斗千军万马五. 六出祁山 七擒孟获 东和孙权 北拒曹操 火烧赤壁 收取东川,西川 1. 第一件;我读小学时写了一篇很得意的作文,老师说我是抄的,我委屈地哭了。第二件:我读大学时用几何作图法解答求功率问题的考题,教授说我不懂微积分,还说是抄的。第三件:我当教授时怀疑学生的一篇好论文是抄的,二是查资料并请教同事,寻求解决办法。. 师怀疑学生的创新能力(或答:老师怀疑学生的作业。可答:怀疑学生. 某种现象再次发生. 翻来覆去地看学生的论文,到图书馆去查资料;向同事请教处理办法. 从罗马法精神的高度(或答:从文明与野蛮的分际的高度。或答:从法律的高度。).略练习四一. 1.想 . 编 . 写1. 隐喻着因年龄的稚嫩,认识的浅陋,而容易犯的不可避免的错误,青春路上的小路,是喻指因犯错误而走的弯路.. 作为"过来人"所拥有的生活经验;想以此来劝告,避免后来人重蹈覆辙.. 表现了"我" 好奇心,求知欲,不屈不挠的精神,及执着与顽强.. 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的,只要执著于一个目标,顽强地奋斗,努力,未来就是美好的.. 任何人都具备人类所共有的美好品质,好奇,求知,执著,顽强,并且乐于实践,不落后 ,这是我们值得庆幸的优点.. "过来人"的"拦路癖",无非是想让后人少犯错误,少走弯路.但是人性的发展却无视这些,它按照人的成长规律循序渐进,不会因为长者的经历,而废除后来人的成长过程,没有这一过程,就没有真正的成长,这是规律,所以,明智的长者,会叮咛之余,微笑着关注这一切的发生与结束.练习五一. 1.会心得意处 显示 .(1). 他只要一去总是喝光,约定必醉方休 (). 醉酒赋诗,以娱乐自己的心志 . 读书,喝酒,写文章..B.(1). 一种与世无争,逍遥洒脱的人生态度。隐居田园,不与世俗,不与官场同流合污(). 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。二. 1. (1). 集 (). 联 . (1). 半夜不怕鬼敲门 ().英倍君行车. (1). 顾头不顾尾 (). 快马加鞭. (1). 虎 龙 龙 虎 龙 虎 (). 龙 凤 龙 凤 龙 凤三. 夏夜的星空夏夜的星空是多么美丽啊!那些闪烁的星星是那么宁静,安详,既像一只只明亮的眼睛,又像一盏盏银灯,在看着我,照着我,使我产生许多幻想…… 白茫茫的银河,静静地躺在湛蓝的天空中.灿烂的星群在银河里闪动,像是无数漂在河上的航标灯. 你看,靠着银河的那几颗星,多像一只在银河中展翅欲飞的天鹅,也许那就是"天鹅座"了;在银河南端的那几颗星,多像一个高举双夹,翘着尾巴的大蝎子它就是有名的"天蝎座"了;在银河左边的那几颗星,多像一把精致的大提琴;在银河右边的那几颗星,多像一只准备要起飞的雄鹰;练习六一. (1).壮丽 (). 悲伤二. 倍 暗 日 异 开 山 长 万 心 一 发 强 理 壮 云三. 1. 数不清 . 愿者上钩 . 猴子称霸王 . 不识好人心.四不像五.1. 精神到处文章老 学问深时意气平 练习七一.1. 公共卫生也应该讲究啊 . 还好有你监督嘛。二. (1). 退 ().老 (). 偏 暗 (). 易 ().生三. 1. 途径方法正规 . 坏人就怕遇到“阳光”四. 1. 答:心脏病、癌症、突发病和肺炎。第五位。. 答:交通要分离、交通要连续、交通流量均分. 答:道路语言是指道路上的交通标网,标识,交通标志和交通信号。易懂.答:道路语言的规范,完善与科学化是交通管理现代化的最重要标志。.答:此题无划网。.答:指交通网络意外的胡同,里弄,窄街,以及便道等道路。由于它路窄,形式复杂或难于管理等原因。以此来疏通微循环网络,达到对于干道网络分流的目的。练习八一.1. 大风起兮云飞扬,安得猛士兮守四方 . 待到重阳日,还来就菊花 . 孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪 . 举头望明月,低头思故乡。三. 落花你注定一路与风儿相伴刻刻为春芽献出营养却腐化你自己四. 1. 济南冬天的湖 不结冰. 那水呢,不但不结冰………….全拿出来了. 把白雪写活了,体现他的生气。. 拟人 天儿越晴,水藻越绿。. 澄清的水 灵的蓝水晶 把水面倒映的红屋顶,黄草山,比作小灰色树影。. 温晴五. 心动不如行动,某些事等待其实就是意味着放弃,意味着错过。练习九一.1. 喜欢“超级女生”的人很多,喜欢“00年感动中国人物评选” .学生们的全民素质有待很大的提升。四. 1. 一不,二时候未到。立即尽孝. 孝心在我们身旁时,我们从来不会在意,只有到死神降临时,我们才会看见她。. 赶快尽孝。不会让他们再生气,做一些力所能及的事,让他们省点心。练习十二. 众位好汉在吴用的策划下合演了一场戏,令杨志放松警惕,骗过了他取得了生辰纲。三.1. C . A四.越是平民窟就越穷,越没粮,越多人。五. 信任是一缕春风,它会让枯藤绽出新绿;信任是一条纽带,它连结了无数心灵。信任又像绽放的花朵,它需要友爱作空气,忠诚作阳光,关切作雨露。六. 我们必须尊重他们!!因为这样心地善良的人已经不多了,我们一生要真诚的对待这些人,关注他们。练习十一一. 1. 醇 . 旌 . 惘 .籍 .钧 .地 .睹 . 偶二. 1.C .B .C .A .B三. 1.A .A .B .C .B .B四. 1. chāi sāng 籍 颠簸.C.(1)根据犹唱后庭花 ()晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄 ()宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来. 除暴安良,悟空识破白骨精 命舛气壮, 武松写就英雄诗 . 棉花:是花,我却不与百花争芳斗艳;不是花,我却用花絮温暖人间。帆:离开船桅,我是一块普通的布;只有走进江海湖泊,才能大展宏图,才能高歌奋进。六. 过去我曾是一个固执的孩童经过无数次风雨的洗磨 我知道了 一个又一个该懂的道理 改变 迎来新的自己练习十二一.“啊!竟然还会有这样的事,这位送水工,竟然还会把我放在眼里,我本以为他是会像众多粗鲁的人那样,什么都不做地就进来了,天啊!我真不知要如何感谢他啊!”三. 如果没有老师的指导,如果没有家长的关心,我迟早是要吃苦头的。四. 感谢 一生之中,我要感谢的人实在太多了,感谢老师们对我的教导、感谢朋友们 对我的支持、感谢同学们对我的照顾,我尤其要感谢爸爸妈妈,他们对我的栽培是 无微不至的,我是永远不会忘记他们的恩情的 首先我要感谢的人是我爸爸,他每天出去工作,赚来供我读书。喔 顺便说一下,目前我在学的ABC5夫下英语的老师和我们说过,其实要学好英语是轻松的~坚持有个适合的研习环境以及闇练口语对象 这取决于外教资质,口语标准非常重要,坚决天天练习口语 1对1家教式辅导才能有很.好.的学习效果!课程结束后还要重听录音文档 更可以加深印象!如果真的没人帮忙的话 就去旺旺或大耳朵拿到课外教材学习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想 很快的语境会提高起来 学习成效是必定最佳的 在我读幼 稚园的时候,爸爸常常教我写字,哪一个字我不明白他都会解释给我听。爸爸有时 候也会骂我,不过我知道他是为我好才骂我的。爸爸对我的期望很大,他希望我将 来可以成为一个出色的人,可以为社会服务。有一次考试,我的成绩不是太好,只 是刚刚及,爸爸不但没有骂我还对我说:「这一次考不好不要紧,下一次再考好 一点也可以。」下一次考试的成绩果然比上次的好了很多。我实在要感谢爸爸对我 的鼓励,如果没有他就没有现在的我 当然,妈妈也很重要,她每天要煮饭、洗衣服和扫地等。。每天我放学会 家的时候,妈妈总是替我收拾书包和看看我刚学的课文。每逢星期六,妈妈就去市 场买些菜、水果、肉和鱼类来煮一些好菜给我们吃。妈妈对我非常好,她希望我能 用功都书,将来可以成为一位教师。

2. 初一上学期期末考试英语试卷

7A 期末试卷
听力部分 (20分)
一、 A) 根据所听内容选择相应选项。听一遍。(10分)
A 一个小男孩在玩电脑游戏 B 几个孩子在踢足球 C 桌上有一杯牛奶和几块面包
D 几个孩子在看漫画。 E 桌子上有一盘巧克力蛋。

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______
( ) 1. A. I’m fine, thank you. B. How do you do?
C. How are you? D. I’m twelve.
( ) 2. A. Yes, there are. B. No, there is.
C. No, there aren’t. D. Yes, there is.
( ) 3. A. May. B. June. C. September. D. December.
( ) 4. A. It’s made of leather. B. It’s made in China.
C. They are made of leather. D. They are made in China.
( ) 5. A. Yes, I’m. B. Yes, I am.
C. No, I am not. D. No, we aren’t.
1. I have black hair in a ______(马尾辫).
2. She is a very good ______(游泳者).
3. We ______(敲) on people’s doors.
4. There is a ______(打折) on last year’s cards
5. This pair of shoes is made of ______(皮革).
6. Last Sunday, Lily g a talk on “My Life”.
7. I b a radio from my father yesterday.
8. I don’t eat fast food any m .
9. People in the west make pumpkin lanterns at H .
10. I want to be a dancer when I g up.
1. He needs ______(wear) clean clothes.
2. They go to the park ______(one) a week.
3. Would you like to go ______(shop) with me?
4. This hair clip ______(match) your coat very much.
5. The shopping mall is really a good place ______(meet) friends.
6. Daniel ______(not be) at school yesterday.
7. I don’t know what ______(eat) today.
8. Mum often asks me ______(do) housework.
9. Simon and Lucy are in different ______(class).
10. Would you like ______(choose) one of the stickers?

1. At Halloween, people like ______________ special costumes.
2. -__________ does he go to school?
-Every day except Sunday.
3. Millie is __________ her toy bear.
4. He always _____________ a ghost.
5. -__________ will you stay here?
-For about two months.
( ) 1.What about ______ football?
A. to play B. plays C. play D. playing
( ) 2. He is clever English.
A. at B. with C. above D. on
( ) 3.I _____ born in Nanjing.
A. is B. am C. was D. were
( ) 4. My name is Guo Feng. You can _____ me Daniel.
A. ask B. say C. call D. speak
( ) 5. they home every day?
A. Does; walk B. Are; walking to C. Do; walk D. Does; walk to
( ) 6. We are looking forward _____ you.
A. to see B. seeing C. to seeing D. see
( ) 7. There _____ an apple and two oranges on the table.
A. is B. are C. has D. have
( ) 8. He _____exercises, so he is fat.
A. never B. often C. sometimes D. always
( ) 9. I am _____.
A. twelve year old B. twelve
C. twelve years D. twelve-year-old boy
( ) 10. I am going to tell you _____ interesting things.
A. a B. an C. some D. any
( ) 11. _____ Easter, people often eat chocolate eggs.
A. In B. On C. For D. At
( ) 12. Millie goes to work by bus _____ winter.
A. in B. on C. at D. with
( ) 13. Would you like _____ water?
A. some B. any C. much D. a
( ) 14. Thank you for _____ me.
A. call B. to call C. calling D. calls
( ) 15. I bought three _____ and two _____.
A. tomatos; potatos B. tomatoes; potatos
C. tomatoes; potatoes D. tomatos; potatoes
1. Andy has a e-dog. He likes it very much. __________________
2. Our English teacher will flies to Nanjing. __________________
3. He never late for school. __________________
4. We like playing a trick to him. __________________
5.I wanted to a dancer.
1. 孙老师一周去看望他爷爷两次。
Mr. Sun goes to _____________________ a week.
2. 我最爱的科目是英语。
My English.
3. 三楼上有许多餐馆。
There the third floor.
4. Daniel 看上去很酷。
Daniel .
5. 他总是戏弄我们。
He always us.
1. There are some apples on the desk. (改成一般疑问句)
2. Simon is a football player. (改成同义句)
Simon the football team.
3. This book costs her ten yuan.(改成同义句)
She ten yuan this book.
4. He is making a pumpkin lantern now. (对划线部分提问)

5. I’m going to the supermarket next Sunday. (对划线部分提问)

九、阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写 “A”,错误的写 “B”(10分)
Our English teacher is Miss Gao. She is tall and slim. She is pretty and kind. We have fun in each English lesson. She wants us to be good at English. So she helps us a lot after class. We like asking her for help with our English. One Sunday, I was doing my English homework. But I couldn’t work out one of the problems. So I called Miss Gao for help. She sent me an e-mail to help me. I like her very much.
( ) 1. Our English teacher is a tall man.
( ) 2. Our English teacher gives us lots of exercises every day.
( ) 3. Our English teacher is kind and helps us a lot.
( ) 4. One day, I was doing homework at home.
( ) 5.Our English teacher didn’t help me on that day, because she was too busy.
以“My Lifestyle”为题写一篇不少于100字的文章。

听力原稿及答案 期末试卷
听力部分 (20分)
A) 根据所听内容选择相应图画。听一遍。(10分)
1. The boys are playing football on the playground.
2. Millie often has a glass of milk and some bread for breakfast.
3. It’s Easter now.
4. The children are reading comic books now.
5. Simon likes playing computer games.
1. How old are you?
2. Is there an apple and two oranges in the fridge?
3. Which month is Christmas in?
4. What are the shoes made of?
5. Are you dancers?
Keys: A) 1-5 BCEDA B) 1-5 DDDCD
二、1-10 ponytail; swimmer; knock; discount; leather; gave; borrowed; more; Halloween; grow
三、1-5 to wear; once; shopping; matches; to meet; 6-10 was not; to eat; to do; classes; to choose
四、1-5 dressing up in; How often; paying for; dressing up as; How long
五、1-5 DACCC 6-10 CAABC 11-15 DAACC
六、1. a—an 2. flies—fly 3. He—He is 4. to—on 5. to—to be
七、1. see his grandfather twice
2. favourite subject is
3. are a lot of restaurants on
4. looks cool
5. plays a trick on
八、1. Are there any apples on the desk?
2. a member of
3. spends; on/buying
4. What is he making now?
5. When are you going to the supermarket?
九、1-5 BAAAB


3. 2014朝阳区期中英语答案


4. 求朝阳区初一上英语期末写作题目


5. 谁有初一英语期末试卷及答案

一 选择题(40分)
1 ( )—I’m____.
A ok B good C Mrs D Hello
2 ( )---What are you? ---____.
A Fine B A boy C Policeman D A nurse
3 ( )How many ____are there in your family?
A people B peoples C some people D any people
4 ( )There are ____hours in a day.
A four B fourteen C twenty-four D thirty-four
5 ( )___students are on the playground.
A They are one hundred B Two hundreds C Only one hundred of D Hundreds of
6 ( )Is there ___room and ___office on Floor Two?
A a,an B an,an C an,a D a,a
7 ( )He often gets up ___nine o’clock.
A on B about C in D after
8 ( )Miss Cheng enjoys __down the street.
A walk B to walk C walking D walks
9 ( )My English is poor. Can you help me ___it.
A with B to C for D at
10( )My brother has two ___in his room,
A pair of sunglass B pairs of sunglass C pair of sunglasses D pairs of sunglasses
11( )—When do we eat mooncakes?_--___.
A At Halloween B At Mid-autumn Day C At Mid-Autumn Festival
12( )—Why ___you late for school?
A do B are C does
13( )There ___a meeting this evening.
A will have B will be C are going to be D is going to have
14( )Where are you going ____the holiday?
A of B for holiday C to holiday D on holiday
15( )Can I borrow some money ___you?
A from B too C / D with
16( )” I have ___bread?” “Sorry,I don’t have___.”
A any;any B any;some C some;any D some;some
17( )His mother___.
A looks being young B looks like young C looks to be young D looks young
18( )How about ___to the cinema on Sunday?
A will go B go C to go D going
19( )Lily likes dancing. She needs___.
A lots of energys B lot of energies C a lot of energy D lots of energies
20( )It’s important ___us to learn English well.
A of B for C with D to
二 词形变化(10分)
1 Two cats and a dog _____ (be) in the room.
2 –Thank you for____ (help) us. ---That’s ok.
3 I would like_______(stay) at home on Sunday.
4 Can he ____(fly)a kite?
5 I want ______(go)to her party.
6 He went____(shop)with me last Sunday.
7 Are you good at_____(play)basketball?
8 Do you know the____(mean)does a person have?
9 Help______(you)to some chips,children.
10The girl is very______(help).

三 句型转换(10分)
1 My cousin must wait for me.(改为一般疑问句)
_____ _____cousin wait for_____?
2 You can’t bring your son here.(否定祈使句)
_____ _____your son here.
3 They can eat snacks at home.(对画线部分提问)
_____ can they _____ at home?
4 We have four lessons from 8:00 to 11:30a.m.(同义句)
We have four lessons_____8:00______11:30 a.m.
5 Everyone has a good time at the party.(同义句)
Everyone_____ ______at the party.
6 He gives me the interesting book.(改为同义句)
He _____the interesting book_____me.
7 At night, there will be fireworks in Chinatown.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______there______ in Chinatown at night?
8 He usually doesn’t have breakfast before going to school.
He usually goes to school _______ ________.
9 Mike plans to have Coke and hamburgers for lunch.(改为一般疑问句)
______Mike _____ _____ _____ Coke and hamburgers for lunch?
10He wants to be a swimming player.(改为否定句0
He ______ ______ to be a swimming player.

四 翻译(40分)
1 我们可以把报纸带到那儿吗?
Can we _____ the newspaper _____?
2 他经常在图书馆看书.
He often _____ _____the library.
3 课后我喜欢和同学们打网球,聊天.
I like ______tennis and _______ with my classmates _____class.
4 Mr Green 有时在家吃饭.
Mr Green sometimes _____ _____at home.

5 他经常在网上给他的同学发电子邮件.
He often ____ ____ ____ his classmates on ____the Internet.
6 他每天起床都很早.
He ____up ____ every day.
7 Miss Gao喜欢跟我们谈她的周末.
Miss Gao _____to ____us_____ her weekends.
8 Jim每天打网球2小时.
Jim _____ tennis ____ 2____ everyday.
She ____ ____ ____ the street and ____ ____ ____ her friends.
I _____about an hour _____ _____ _____ _____TV every day.
My _____ _____ Amy always ______ ______or _______with me un-der the tree.
12 我和我的同学在一起总很开心.
I always _____ _____ _____ ______ with my classmates.
13 我们在图书馆里有许多图书可读.
We have _____ _____ books _____ _____ in the library.
14 我最喜爱的课程是英语和数学.
My _____ _____ are English and Maths.
15 这些中国人都擅长英语.
These _____ are all _____ _____ speaking_____.
I’m _____ _____ _____ _____ you again.
17 这博物馆除了星期三每天都开.
The Museum _____ every day _______Wednesday.
18 我们不应当看太多的电视.
We shouldn’t _____ _____ _____ _____.
19 我没有足够的时间打扫房间.
I _____have_____ _____ ____ clean the room.
20 Tony是经常写信还是写电子邮件呢?

6. 初一年级英语期末复习卷


I.字母 (10%)
1、_________f ______ 2、 _______ J______ 3、 _______N _______
4、________r ________ 5、 _______ x ______
6、___________ 7、__________ 8、________ 9、_______ 10、_______
( )1、 A four B、 door C、 morning D、 colour
( ) 2、 A good B look C、 too D、 classroorn
( )3、 A stand B、 map C、 woman D,dad
( )4、 A、 chair B school C、China D、 watch
( )5、 A、 nine B、 Miss C、 picture D、this
( )6、 / / A、 daughter B、 blouse C、flower D、old
( )7、// A、 eleven B、 pencil C、desk D、 teacher
( )8、/u/ A、 ruler B、 student C、under D、 put
( )9、/ei/ A、 father B、 banana C、 cake D、 cat
( )10/θ/ A、 that B、 think C、 with D、 them
()1、par___t A、 an B、 en C、 on D、in
()2、w____dow A、en B、 an C、 in D、 on
()3、blackb____d A、 oar B、 our C、 or D、oor
()4、tw__l___e A、 e, f B、 e,v C、 a,f D、av
()5、____ite A、wh B、 hw C、h D、w
()6、fr____nd A、ei B、 ia C、 ea D、ie
()7、f_____ty A、our B、 or C、 ur D、ar
()8、s______ A、ior B、oar C、 ure D、ear
()9、h_____f A、 all B、 ul C、 el D、 al
()10、ph___ne A、 a B、 u C、 o D、e
11、she(宾格)___________ 12、are not (缩写)________________
13、family(复数)_____________ 14、I(名词性物主代词)_____________
15、his (主格)_________________16、child(复数)_____________
17、too (同音词)______________18、lock v、(反义词)_________
21、UFO ________________ 22、用日语(表达)______________________
23、watch TV______________ 24、照顾,照看__________________________
25、Let me see . _____________________26、初一.三班 ________________
27、have supper _____________________ 28、在那边_____________________
29、at school________________________30、看一看(短语)_________________
()1、——What’s this in English? ——________ a pen.
A、This is B、 That’s C、 It’s D、 Its
()2、Rose has a happy(幸福)family.______ father and mother _______young.
A、 She,is B、 Her,are C、 Her,isn’t D、My,am
()3、This is _______old picture. _______old picture is on _________wall.
A、a, An, a B、 an, An, a, C、an ,The ,the D、 an, the ,the
()4、——What colour _______it ?—_____ orange.
A、is, They’re B、 are, They’re C、 is ,It’s D、is ,I’m
()5、There _______ three desks and a computer in the room.
A、are B、 is C、 has D、 have.
()6、 These are _____ apples. __________are in the bag.
A、her ,You B、 mine ,Your C、 our ,Hers D、his ,My
()7、Look! The man ____ the biack car is my son’s teacher.
A、to B、 in C、of D、for
()8、 Can you __ the shirt ,please? —Yes.
A、to wash B、 washes C、 wash D、 are wash
()9、—__________ not here today? —Bill is not here.
A、Who’s B、Whose C、 Who are D、 What’s
()10、—Do you have an e-mail address ?—Yes,____.
A、I am B、 I can C、 I have D、 I do
()11、Let me ____ your new watch.
A、look B、look at C、 have a look D、 to look
()12、________his shoes under the bed on the floor?
A、Are B、 Is C、 Has D、 She’s
()13、The blue sweaters in the box are nice .But I like _____on the shelf(架子).
A、 the yellow ones B、 red one C、 a one D、 green ones
()14、 What’s the time?它的同义句___________.
A、What day is it today? B、 What time is it ?
C、 Where’s the clock? D、What’s that?
()15、There is a red hat on the table .Please_____.
A、put on it B、 put them on C、 put on mine D、 put it on
()16、—Hello! May I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
—Sorry, he’s not in.Who's ____, Please?
—________is Jack.
A、 this , this B、 that That C、 that ,This D、 this that
()17、—Are these ____ jeeps? —NO,________.
A、 Chineses ,they aren’t B、 American, they are
C、 Japan ,they aren’t D、English ,they aren’t
()18、—__________,Tom ,Where’s my doll?
—Oh, sorry ,I don’t know . I think _____behind the door.
A、Excuse me , it ’s B、 Here you are ,she’s
C、 I’m sorry ,its D、 How are you ,he’s
()19、This is the twins’ bedroom. We can see ________beds .
A、May’ s and Joy’s B、 May’ s and Joy
C、May and Joy D、 May and Joy’s
()20、Can you count ____one _____a hundred?
A、from, to B、 for ,to C、 like ,in D、 at ,on
Ⅴ、句型转换 按要求变换下列句子,每空一词。(10%)
1、There are five people in my family.(就划部分提问)
How _____ people_______ _______in your family?
2、The woman in purple is David’s wife.(就划线部分提问)
______ _______ is David’ s wife?
3、 That is a bus .(变为复数句子)
_________ ________ ________ .
4、 His new trousers are brown.(就划线部分提问)
_______ _______ _________ his new trousers?
5、I am in Row 2.(变为一般疑问句)
_________ __________ in Row 2?
6、There are some kites in the sky.(变为否定句)
There are_____ kites in the sky.
7、Is Mimi in the tree now ?(做出否定回答)
No, it __________________.
8、Meimei’s grandfather is seventy(七十).(就划线部分提问)
_________ _________ is her grandfather?
9、Please give me the ruler.(写出同义句)
Please give the ruler___________ __________.
( )1、What’s your name? A、Kate’s on ty today.
( )2、How do you do? B、Yes ,he is .
( )3、Who’s on ty today? C、Nine.
( )4、What’s three plus six? D、My name is Nick.
( )5、Nice to meet you . E、Nice to meet you .
( )6、What class are you in ? F、How do you do ?
( )7、Thank you very much . G、It’s time for break.
( )8、Is her husband American? H、No ,I can’t .
( )9、Can you spell it ,please? I、I’m in Class Ten.
( )10、Oh ,it’ s about 4:00 . J、You’re welcome.
LI LEI:Look (1) this toy car. Lucy .It’s a new car. Is it (2) ?
LUCY:No, it isn’t. My car is (3) home .I think it’s (4) ,He Can’t find (5) car .
LI LEI:Excuse me, Jim. Is this (6) car?
JIM:Let me see. Oh, yes .It’s (7).
LI LEI:Here you are .You must look (8) it.
JIM:Yes, (9) you, Li Lei.
LI LEI:That’s (10).
Ann’ s bedroom is not very small .It’s big .A TV set (一台) is in the room .It is on the table .There are some red flowers on it ,too .We can see a picture of trees on the wall .There is a blouse ,a skirt and a light green coat on the bed .Her shoes are under the bed . A desk is near the winder .On the desk is a clock . It’ 7:00 o‘clock. It ’s time to go to school .But where is Ann’s schoolbag? Oh, it’s on the chair .Now Ann is putting on her shoes.
( )11、We can see a dress, a coat and a sweater on the bed .
( )12、Ann’s shoes are behind the door.
( )13、There is a TV set in the big bedroom.
( )14、Ann goes to school at 7:15.
( )15、One clock is on the desk and one picture of trees is on the wall.

A) 1、______ ______ 2、______ ______ 3、______ _____
4、________ ________ 5、________ _________
B)6、_____ _____ 7、______ _____8、______ _____9、_____ ____10、______ _____
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


1、e,g 2、I,K 3、M,O 4、q,s 5、w ,y
1、A a 2、E e 3、I I 4、 O o 5、U u
A)5% 1、D 2、C 3、C 4、B 5、A
B)5% 6、A 7、D 8、D 9、C 10、B
A)10%(每题1分)1、B 2、C 3、A 4、B 5、A 6、D 7、B 8、C 9、D 10、C
11、her 12、 aren’t 13、 families 14、 mine 15、 he
16、 children 17、 two/to 18、open 19、 dark 20、 mother
C)10% (每题1分。英语的大小写、汉语的汉字错误以及随意加标点,均不给分。)
21、不明飞行物 22、in Japanese
23、看电视 24、look after
25、让我想想看。 26、Class Three ,Grade One/Class 3 ,Grade 1
27、吃晚饭 28、over there
29、在学校 30、have a look
1、C 2、B 3、C 4、C 5、A 6、C 7、B 8、C 9、A 10、D
11、B 12、A 13、A 14、B 15、D 16、C 17、D 18、A 19、A 20、A
Ⅴ、句型转换10% (每空一词,均为0.5分。大小写错误不给分。)
1、many ,are ,there 2、Which ,woman 3、Those ,are ,buses
4、What, colour ,are 5、Are, you 6、not ,any
7、isn’t 8、How ,old 9、to, me
1、D 2、F 3、A 4、C 5、E 6、I 7、J 8、B 9、H 10、G
1、at 2、your 3、at 4、Jim’s 5、his 6、your 7、mine 8、after 9、thank 10、OK

7. 初一 英语期末考卷

(35) What are Sue and Ann doing?

A. They are watching TV in the living room.

B. They are playing football in the garden.

C. They are watching TV in Ann’s room.

D. They are watching TV in Sue’s bedroom.

笔 试 部 分

七、语音 (共10分,每小题1分)。

1. 找出划线部分发音与其他三个不同的单词。

(36) A. Germany B. term C. exercise D. Berlin

(37) A. mean B. idea C. cheap D. teacher

(38) A. post B. snow C. cold D cover

(39) A. second B. hungry C. bank D. thank

(40) A. October B. card C. ice D. picnic

2. 找出划线部分重音与其他三个不同的单词。

(41) A. forget B. maybe C. camera D. windy

(42) A. temperature B. kilometer C. report D. national

(43) A. minute B. November C. expensive D. special

(44) A. India B. person C. meeting D. another

(45) A. early B. degree C. weather D. summer


( ) (46) __________ teacher on the black bike is __________ English teacher.

A. A; an B. The; a C. A; the D. The; an

( ) (47) There __________ a lot of water in the bottle.

A. is B. are C. has D. be

( ) (48) What __________ do you have __________ supper?

A. food; for B. foods; for C. food; with D. foods; in

( ) (49) It’s time __________ go to school.

A. for B. or C. to D. in

( ) (50) They are __________ shoes. __________ are over there.

A. my; You B. mine; Yours

C. her; Her D. my; Yours

( ) (51) Lucy __________ lunch at school every day.

A. haven’t B. hasn’t C. don’t have D. doesn’t have

( ) (52) The children __________ games now.

A. plays B. playing C. is playing D. are playing

( ) (53) Now I can speak ___________ English.

A. an B. many C. lot of D. a little

( ) (54) __________ the picture! What can you ___________?

A. Look; see B. Look at; see

C. See; look D. See; look at

( ) (55) Jim ___________ to school at 6:30 in the morning.

A. going B. go C. goes D. is going

( ) (56) Mr Chen ____________ a beautiful birthday cake for me the day after tomorrow.

A. makes B. will make C. is making D. make

( ) (57) --- ___________ do your parents watch TV?

--- Every morning.

A. How long B. How much C. How far D. How often

( ) (58) On Sunday, he ____________ a good rest at home and ___________his homework.

A. has; does B. has; do C. have; does D.does; does

( ) (59) Look, the children ___________ young trees in the garden.

A. is planting B. are planting

C. plant D. will plant

( ) (60) --- ____________?

--- July 27th, 1994.

A. What day is it today B. Where are you

C. What’s the date today D. How long do you live there

( ) (61) ____________ to go to the cinema with us tonight?

A. Will you like B. Do you like

C. Would you like D. Are you liking

( ) (62) In our village, it’s ___________ hot in July.

A. very much B. much too

C. too much D. many too

( ) (63) My parents ____________ at home now.

A. both are B. are both C. all are D. are all

( ) (64) We have ____________ classes on Monday morning. ___________ class is English.

A. four…First B. fourth… The first

C. four … The first D. Four … The first

( ) (65) Here are our textbooks. ___________ are still in the teacher’s office.

A. You B. Yours C. Your D. Ours

九、阅读理解 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案(共20分,每小题2分)。

( A )

Mr and Mrs Brown are from America. They are now teaching English in Zhengzhou. Their son Jack is with them. Jack speaks English. They want him to learn some Chinese. Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese school. He plays with Chinese children every day. He listens to Chinese, speaks Chinese, reads books in Chinese and writes in Chinese. He is doing well in his Chinese.

( ) (66) Mr and Mrs Brown are ____________.

A. Chinese B. English C. America D. Americans

( ) (67) They are working ____________ now.

A. at a school B. in a shop

C. in America D. in Grade 3

( ) (68) Jack is ____________.

A. a student of a Chinese school

B. a girl from America

C. in Class One, Grade Three

D. learning English

( ) (69) Jack likes to play with ___________.

A. his father B. his mother

C. his brothers D. his Chinese friends

( ) (70) Jack learns the Chinese language (语言) by ___________.

A. listening to the language

B. listening to and speaking the language

C. reading books in Chinese and writing in it

D. listening, speaking, reading and writing

( B )

Li lin is a Chinese boy. He studies in the nO.16 Middle School in Beijing. His mother is a worker. She works in a factory. The factory is not big and it is near Li Lin’s school. She likes making things very much. She makes many things every day. Li Lin’s father works in the factory, too. But he doesn’t make any things. He’s a driver and carries things for the workers.

Look! There he is coming. We can see many things in his truck (卡车).

( ) (71) Li lin is ___________.

A. a worker B. a student C. a teacher D. a driver

( ) (72) There are ___________ people in Lin Lin’s family.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

( ) (73) Li Lin’s school is ____________ the factory.

A. before B. behind C. near D. at

( ) (74) –What does Li L8in’s father do?

--He’s ___________.

A. a farmer B. a driver C. a teacher D. a soldier

( ) (75) Which is right?

A. Li Lin’s father doesn’t work in the factory.

B. Li Lin’s father works in a different factory.

C. Li Lin’s father and mother work in the same factory.

D. Li Lin’s father teaches in the No. 16 Middle School.


This is Joan’s room. There are two maps (76) the wall. (77) is a map of China, (78) is a map of the world(世界). (79) football is under the chair. (80) often plays football. There (81) two books and (82) orange on the table. Joan is reading a (83) . She isn’t (84) the orange. She’s (85) student.

( ) (76) A. in B. on C. at D. to

( ) (77) A. That B. One C. It D. This

( ) (78) A. other B. The other C. others D. the others

( ) (79) A. She B. Her C. Hers D. They

( ) (80) A. I B. She C. He D. They

( ) (81) A. have B. has C. is D. are

( ) (82) a B. an C. the D. two

( ) (83) picture B. book C. TV D. football

( ) (84) eat B. drink C. eating D. drinking

( ) (85) a good B. a well C. an only D. an early

第 II 卷

一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(共10分,每空1分, 每空不限填一词)

(1) What __________ he ___________ (do) now, do you know?

(2) We must ____________ (help) the student with him lessons.

(3) Who ___________ (teach) you English in your school?

(4) Look! The bus ____________(come).

(5) Would you like something ____________ (eat)?

(6) It’s time ___________ (have) classes.

(7) There ___________ (be) two pencils and a pen in the pencil-box.

(8) How much meat ___________ you ___________ (want)?

(9) My mother ____________ (get) up at 5:30 every day.

(10) ___________ (not open) the door, please.


(11) December is the ____________ month of the year. ( twelve)

(12) Turn right at the first ____________

8. 初一期末英语卷及答案


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