A. 跪求往年洛阳第二外语学校小升初试卷
B. 商丘市历届小升初试卷及试卷答案
考生注意:1、考试时间120分钟 2、全卷共三道大题,总分120分
1. 如果一个圆的直径d=10cm,那么它的周长C=_________cm.(π取3.14)
2. 数轴是规定了_______、__________和_____________的直线.
3. 如果水位升高1.2米,记作+1.2米,那么水位下降0.8米,记作_______米.
4. 绝对值等于3的数是___________.
5. 一本书共140页,大明第一天看了40%,则第二天应从第 页看起.
6. 已知下列各数:2, ,0,1.25,-3,-0.1。其中负数有___________;整数有__________________.
7. 已知每100克牛肉中含蛋白质20.1克,如果要从牛肉中摄取蛋白质40.2克,则应需要牛肉__________克.
8. 计算:-3和-8在数轴上所对应的两点间的距离为 .
9. 若a的绝对值等于-a,则a是_______数.
10. 如图是一个正方体纸盒的展开图,在其中的四个正方形内标有数字1,2,3,-3,若使相对面上的两数互为相反数,则A处应填__________.
11. 小华把得到的200元压岁钱存入银行,整存整取一年.她准备到期后将钱全部取出捐给“希望工程”。如果按年利率2.25%计算,到期后小华可以捐给“希望工程”___________元.(扣除利息税20%)
12. 一捆绳索,用去它的80%后,还剩12米,这根绳索原长为 米.
13. -2的相反数是( )
A. 2 B. -2 C. D.
14. 点A为数轴上表示-1的点,将点A沿数轴向右平移3个单位到点B,则点B所表示的数为( )
A. 3 B. 2 C. -4 D. 2或-4
15. 下列运算中正确的是( )
A. B. -(-5)=-5
C.(-5)-5=0 D. 3-(-2)=5
16. 已知a、b两数在数轴上对应的点如图所示,下列结论正确的是( )
A. a<b B. ab<0 C. a+b<0 D. b-a>0
17. 在方格纸中将图(1)中的图形N平移后的位置如图(2)所示,那么下面平移中正确的是( )
A. 先向下移动2格,再向左移动2格
B. 先向下移动1格,再向左移动1格
C. 先向下移动1格,再向左移动2格
D. 先向下移动2格,再向左移动1格
18. 下列说法正确的是( )
A. 两数之和一定大于每个加数
B. 0除以任何数都得0
C. 如果一个数的倒数是它的本身,那么这个数是1或-1
D. 0的倒数是0
19. 如图所示是大小相同的正方体搭成的几何体,则从左面看到的形状是 ( )
20. 由大庆开往北京的某一次列车,运行途中停靠的车站依次是:
大庆—哈尔滨—长春—沈阳—秦皇岛—北京,那么要为这次列车制作的火车票有( )
A. 5种 B. 10种 C. 15种 D.30种
21. (本题5分)指出数轴上A、B、C、D、E、F各点分别表示什么数?并把它们用“<”号排列起来.
点A表示:_______; 点B表示:_______; 点C表示:_______;
点D表示:_______; 点E表示:_______; 点F表示: _______.
22. (本题5分)求下图中阴影部分的面积(π取3.14).
23. (每题5分,共20分)计算:
②3+(- 13)-(-24)+(-5)
③1/2 +(- 3/4 + 1/2)- 1/4
④-20+(-14 ) -(-17)-13
24. 已知a、b互为相反数,c、d互为倒数,x的绝对值是1,求 的值.(5分)
25. 若 ,求x+y的值.(5分)
26. (本题6分)下面是小光骑车去距离家10千米的书店买书,然后返回家的路程和时间的关系图:
(1)小光从开始出去到返回家一共用了 分钟;(2分)
(2)小光在书店停留了 分钟; (2分)
(3)求小光从书店返回家时每小时行多少千米? (2分)
27. (本题7分)下面是小聪根据所在学校四个年级男、女生人数画出的复式条形统计图。
①如果小王只买一样现价为250元的商品,他应到( )家商场去买更便宜,他实际花了 ( )元。(2分)
C. 小升初英语试卷
一、选出下列画线部分读音不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内 5%
( )1、A. her B. worker C. doctor D. sister
( )2、A. near B. pear C. year D. dear
( )3、A. food B. cook C. room D. school
( )4、A. many B. get C. any D. hat
( )5、A. seat B. read C. sweater D. mean
(1)long (反义词)_________ (2)hear(同音词)_____________
(3)white (反义词)________ (4)they are (缩略形式)_______________
(5)fat (反义词)________
(1)Sit down, please. ___________ (2)a red flag ____________
(3)How are you? ______________ (4)一只蓝色的鸟
(5)请打开窗户 ________________
三、选择填空 9%
( )1、When’s your birthday? It’s January. What would you like _____ a birthday present? I would like a yo-yo.
A. on for B. in as C. on with
( )2、Where you Just now? I at school.
A. were was B. were ,were C. was, were
( )3、What does it mean? It means you shouldn’t .
A. smoking B. smok C. smoke
( )4、 you your grandparents last weekend?
A. Did , visited B. Did , visit C. Do, visited
( )5、Last Friday ,They a race.
A. had, running B. haved , running C. had , runing
( )6、I a kite and it on the wall yesterday
A. maked, puted B. made ,put C. made , puted.
( )7、It is an __________day , we are all very .
A. excited, exciting B. exciting , exciting C. exciting ,excited.
( )8、we usually moon cakes ,we a lot of delicious.
A. eat ,ate B. eat, eated C. ate ,ate
( )9、Whose book is it ? It’s not book ,It’s
A. my ,her B. mine ,hers C. My , hers
1. the, have, take, good, a, medicine, and, rest(.)
2. to, Zhongshan Park, get, I, can, how(?)
3. help, me, my, could, lesson, you, with(?)
4. yesterday, where, they, did, go(?)
5. came, at, to, we, last, school, night, nine(.)
五、用所给词的适当形式填空 10%
1、Jim’s Parents are doctors, my parents are (farm)
2、My birthday’s on the (five) of February.
3、I (go) to parties with my friends last weekend.
4、I like (collect) stamps very much.
5、Jim always (have) a lot of questions.
6、Did you go (swim) last Sunday?
7、It means you shouldn’t (cycling) here.
8、Is this your book ? No, it’s (he)
In George's __1__ there are thirty __2__. There is a clock __3__ the wall. The clock is __4__. There are __5__ student, 18 boys and __6__ girls. __7__ is their teacher. She is a good teacher. She is a good teacher. Look __8__ here! George is near the __9__. He is cleaning __10__.
( ) 1. A. room B. bedroom C. washroom D. classroom
( ) 2. A. desk and chair B. desks and chairs
C. desks and chair D. desk and chairs
( ) 3. A. on B. in C. at D. of
( ) 4. A. well B. same C. old D. much
( ) 5. A. 30 B. 40 C. 50 D. 60
( ) 6. A. 12 B. 22 C. 32 D. 42
( ) 7. A. Mr Wang B. Miss Wang C. Teacher Wang D. Wang Teacher
( ) 8. A. at B. in C. to D. /
( ) 9. A. door B. brooms C. school D. flowers
( )10. A. it B. them C. that D. those
七、找出下列各句中的错误,划上横线并改正。6 %
1、We sang English songs and do some Chinese dances last night.
2、Is it yours? No, it isn’t mine book. It’s his.
3、I’d like to buy a cake with a lots of strawberries .
4、Look, your pen is on the ground. Pick up it.
5、I like drinking . I drinked some tea last night.
6、A pair of glass are on her desk.
An old woman is going shopping with a basket. She is going by bout. The boat is going across(穿过) the river. Her basket is e__1____ now. Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the w__2_____. "Help! My basket is in the river."
A boy sees the basket. He says, "Don't worry! I can g__3___ it!" He takes off his shirt and shoes. "Look a ___4____ them for me, please!" he says, and j__5___ into the river.
A ck sees the basket. "I can go by b__6___," it thinks. It gets into the basket. The boy is swimming in the river. "Where's the basket?" He asks. "It's over there!" answers the woman. "It's behind you! It's under that d__7___." The boy gets to the basket. "Go away!" he says to the ck. The ck comes o__8___ of the basket and swims away. The b__9____ takes the basket back to the woman. "Oh, thank you very much," says the woman.
"Not at all!" says the boy. "Do you have my shirt and shoes, please?" "Yes, here you are. Oh! What's this in the basket?" "It's the ck's e__10____."
1.e________ 2. w_______ 3. g_________ 4. a_________ 5. j_________
6.b________ 7. d_______ 8. o_________ 9. b_________ 10. e________
D. 谁有小升初英语试卷 和答案
60分钟 100分
一、Listen and match.听录音,连线。(10分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
running walking swinging drinking water sleeping
climbing swimming fighting flying Jumping
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
二、Listen and judge.听录音,判断正(√)误(×)。(10分)
1.I can't see the elephants near the river.
2.The two lions are eating a deer.
3.The cks are playing on the grass.
4.The cats are good climbers.
5.The monkey is hungry.It’s eating peaches.
三、Listen and answer.听录音,回答问题。(10分)
1.What's the weather like?
2.Who goes to the park with Jim and David?
3.What are the boys and girls doing?
4.What do they see in the zoo?
5.What are the monkeys doing?
四、Read and find.找出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的一项。(10分)
1.yes A.why B.yellow C.fly
2.near A.pear B.bear C.ear
3.skate A.cake B.cat C.hat
4.home A.box B.fox C.nose
5.climb A.kite B.milk C.swim
五、Write the opposite words.反义词对对碰。(10分)
1.mother_________ 2.boy_________ 3.hot_________ 4.big_________
5.long_________ 6.black_________ 7.sunny_________ 8.man_________
9.go_________ 10.young_________
六、Read and judge.读一读,判断正“√”误“×”。(10分)
Tom Dad Jane Mike Lily
1.Mike is sleeping.
2.Lily is watching TV.
3.Dad is drawing pictures.
4.Tom is flying a kite.
5.Jane is cleaning the floor.
七、Read and write.根据答句写问句。(10分)
1. A:___________________________
B:She's cleaning the study.
2. :___________________________
B:He's playing sports.
3. A:___________________________
B:I'm doing homework.
4. A:___________________________
B:They're doing housework.
5. A:___________________________
B:It's drinking water.
八、Put the words in order.连词成句。(10分)
1.The birds fly.(改为现在进行时)
2.Sarah is sweeping the floor.(对划线部分提问)
3.Is the giraffe walking?(作肯定回答)
4.They a re good at climbing.(改为一般疑问句)
5.Can dogs swim?(作肯定回答)
十、Read and answer.阅读短文,回答问题。(10分)
Tom is a naughty(调皮的)boy.He often climbs the trees.One day when he goes out of his room, he looks up(抬头看)and sees some birds.They are singing in the tree.Tom Jikes birds.So he climbs up the tree to catch(捉)a bi rd.But his aunt sees him and orders(命令)him to come down(下来).Tom has to come down with no bi rd.He sits under the tree,dreaming(做梦,梦想)a bi rd comes into his hand.
1.__________is a naughty boy.
A.Tom B.Tim
2.Tom often __________ .
A.plays in the garden B.climbs the trees
3.Tom climbs trees __________.
A.for fun B.to catch birds
4.__________ asks Tom to come down.
A.Aunt B.Father
5.Tom comes down with __________.
A.one bird B.no bird
一、l.Panda is sleeping.
2.Lion is walking.
3.Rabbit is running.
4.Elephant is drinking water.
5.Monkey is swinging.
6.Cat is climbing.
7.Tigers are fighting.
8.Kangaroo is jumping.
9.Bird is flying.
10.Duck is swimming.
二、l.I can see the elephants near the river.
2.The two lions are eating a deer.
3.The cks are running.
4.The cats are good climbers.
5.The monkey is hungry.It’s eating bananas.
Every Saturday morning,Jim and David go to the park with their mother.It’s sunny today.There are many people in the park.Boys and girls are singing and dancing there.
Jim and David want to have a look at the animals in the zoo.They like monkeys very much.When they come into the zoo,they see some monkeys are jumping,others are swinging.They have a good day every Saturday.
二、l.× 2.√ 3.× 4.√ 5.×、
三、1.It's sunny.
2.Their mother.
3.They are singing and dancing.
4.Some monkeys.
5.Some are jumping,others are swinging.
四、l.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A
五、l.father 2.girl 3.cold 4.small 5.short
6.white 7.cloudy 8.woman 9.conic 10.old
六、l.× 2.√ 3.× 4.√ 5.×
七、1.What is she doing?
2.What is he doing?
3.What are you doing?
4.What are they doing?
5.What is it doing?
八、l.The baby kangaroo is so cute.
2.What are they doing?
3.The mother monkey is eating bananas.
4.Do you see any animals?
5.They are climbing trees.
九、l.The birds are flying.
2.What is Sarah doing?
3.Yes,it is.
4.Are they good at climbing?
5.Yes,they can.
十、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B
E. 郑州外国语学校历年小升初试卷
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F. 郑州外国语小升初试卷