『壹』 新境界职业英语综合教程1的课后答案
『贰』 由欧阳护华,宋梅梅主编的《新境界职业英语综合教程1精华版 学生用书
beacd 对对错对错
『叁』 新职业英语1基础篇的答案
ally alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experienc
Ⅰ.1.upset 2. personal 3. famous 4. surprised 5. Experience 6. original 7.nervous 8.chance 9. decision 10. impossible
Ⅱ.11. are 12. them13. happily14.beautiful 15. slowly 16. exciting 17. millions 18. water 19. to work 20.playing
Ⅲ. 21.liked 22. want 23. were, doing24. will be 25. does 26. sleeps27. was buying 28. is 29.goes 30. didn’ want
Ⅳ.31.C 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.A38. D 39.A 40.B 41.C 42. A 43.A44.A 45. A
Ⅴ.46. if works 47. so that can’t 48.didn’t until 49. was mending 50. we would have
Ⅵ.51.E 52.G 53.F 54.A 55.B
Ⅶ.56. D 57.C 58.A 59.D60.C 61.B 62.A63.C 64.B 65.A
『肆』 新境界职业大学英语综合教程1课后答案
Unit3 text 1怎么做?
『伍』 《新职业英语1》基础篇的答案
ally alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experienc
Ⅰ.1.upset 2. personal 3. famous 4. surprised 5. Experience 6. original 7.nervous 8.chance 9. decision 10. impossible
Ⅱ.11. are 12. them13. happily14.beautiful 15. slowly 16. exciting 17. millions 18. water 19. to work 20.playing
Ⅲ. 21.liked 22. want 23. were, doing24. will be 25. does 26. sleeps27. was buying 28. is 29.goes 30. didn’t want
Ⅳ.31.C 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.A38. D 39.A 40.B 41.C 42. A 43.A44.A 45. A
Ⅴ.46. if works 47. so that can’t 48.didn’t until 49. was mending 50. we would have
Ⅵ.51.E 52.G 53.F 54.A 55.B
Ⅶ.56. D 57.C 58.A 59.D60.C 61.B 62.A63.C 64.B 65.A