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发布时间: 2021-03-01 02:59:48

A. 2015到2016高三外研英语周报第三十一期答案

A. 1-5 FDEAC B. 1-5 BFAEC
C. 1-5 GADEC D. 1-5 GDEFB
1. F。根据下一段中的I turned back and insisted she go before me可推测,老妇人本来是“排在作者之后的”。
2. D。根据本段内容可知,作者“想到要为这位老妇人做些什么事”,因此他让老妇人排到自己前面,优先结账。
3. E。根据本空后一句We took advantage of this little time and had a nice chat aboutkindness可推测,作者和老妇人的前面“仍然有一些人在排队”,所以他们利用等待的时间聊天。
4. A。根据本段内容可知,老妇人幸运地获得了礼品券,因此她应该很“高兴”。
5. C。如果作者不跟老妇人换位置的话,那么获得礼品券的人应该是作者,但是看到老妇人那么高兴,作者“从心里知道她更需要这个礼品券”。
1. B。根据本空前后的What do you notice?和How many of them are engaged in face-to-face conversations?可知,B项内容是对前面问题的补充。
2. F。根据本空前的Thanks to smartphones and the Internet, we're able to text, email,or make phone calls all day long可知,F项是对前面内容的进一步说明。
3. A。根据本空后的today's young Americans ... on electronic devices可知,A项内容是对本空前所提问题的回答。
4. E。根据本空前的a reliance upon electronic communications can have a negative effecton social skills可知,E项是对前面内容的进一步说明。
5. C。本段主要讲述了如何平衡面对面的交流和使用电子设备来交流,故C项内容符合此处语境。
1. G。本空后作者列举了修复一段友谊的步骤,由此推测,作者认为要想修复一段友谊“不要着急、要深思熟虑,(按照步骤)你很有希望修复这段破损的友谊”。
2. A。根据本空后两处出现的consider可知,作者建议“反思发生了什么”。
3. D。根据本空上一句内容可知,有时候友谊破裂可能跟你没关系,“你的朋友可能自己有一些烦心事”。
4. E。根据本空上一句内容可知,作者建议明确自己要道歉的内容,“要确保道歉很真诚:到底是因为什么感到抱歉”。
5. C。根据本段标题中的meet及本空后的Bodylanguage可知,作者建议面对面交谈,即“亲自交谈”。
1. G。本空上一句说的是作者自己学习音乐的经历,因此作者“根据自己的经历认为学习演奏乐器有好处”。
2. D。根据本空上一句中的were trained及下一句中的What does matter可知D项符合此处语境。
3. E。本段中的connect和connections提示了本题答案。
4. F。本段介绍音乐和数学的关系:“两者都是为了找到解决方法而分析难题、寻找模式”,因此学习音乐对理解数学有帮助。
5. B。根据本空后的keep time, beat, steady pace可知,这里是谈“节奏感”。

A. 1-5 DGCAB B. 1-5 BGDCF
C. 1-5 CGEDA D.1-5 EBDFG
1. D。根据下文作者帮助这位女士可知,当时“很多人都从她身边经过并看着她,但没人停下脚步”。
2. G。有人来帮助自己,这位女士应该是“表示感谢并如释重负地笑了笑”。
3. C。根据本空后作者在日本旅游时的经历可知,C项符合此处语境。
4. A。根据本空前一句可知,作者不会说日语,而那位男士不会说英语。“尽管我们不能用语言沟通,但是我们通过心灵沟通”。
5. B。根据本空前后句内容可知,受作者帮助的人希望能回馈作者的恩惠,作者认为“他们已经给我机会让我去帮助他们”,不过我希望他们能在别人需要时也伸出援助之手。
1. B。根据上一句内容可知,如果能克隆出生产更多奶和肉的牛,那么“这个新品种应该是更好”。
2. G。根据本空后的Many animals are born with abnormal shapes ... make it lessexpensive可知,目前克隆的“过程不能总是完美,而且价格相对比较昂贵”。
3. D。根据本空后的内容不难看出,这里是介绍克隆牲畜的“好处”。
4. C。根据本空后内容可知,克隆技术会减少“基因多样性”,所以当拥有同样基因的动物遭受某种致命疾病时,所有的这些动物都会死亡。
5. F。本空前的concerns提示了本题答案。
1. C。根据本空下一句可知,本文介绍拥有高情商的人的四个习惯,这些习惯使得“高情商的人与众不同”。
2. G。高情商的人关注正面的东西,所以面对问题,他们不会纠结问题本身,“而是寻找这种情形下积极的一面并且找出解决问题的方法”。
3. E。高情商的人喜欢与积极正面的人为伍,“所以他们总是跟看到生活光明一面的人待在一起”。
4. D。根据本空下一句内容可知,由于“看到别人快乐,(高情商的)人也会快乐并满足”,所以他们竭尽全力让别人的日子变得明亮起来。
5. A。根据本空下一句中的they don't spend a lot of time worrying about things that didn'twork out in the past可知,“(高情商的)人让过去随风而逝”。
1. E。根据本空前的manage your stress physically可知,“深呼吸,让自己冷静下来”可以减少压力。
2. B。根据本段中的set a realistic goal及Part of your test anxiety may be coming from too high expectations可知,作者建议“设定合理的期望”。
3. D。根据本段中的imagining yourself being in a place without a ticking clock及本空前后句举的例子可知,想象自己“感受肩膀上阳光的温暖”可以减轻考试焦虑。
4. F。作者在本段建议重复一些积极的话语来鼓舞士气,由此可推测,“很多考试焦虑源于我们不自信”。
5. G。作者在本段建议大家接受错误,“有些老师甚至把错误当作学习的机会”。

A. 1-5 FADCB B. 1-5 GEDFB
C. 1-5 DGFCA D. 1-5 ADECB
1. F。由本空前后的the All-City Chorus和We stood side by side in the chorus可知,作者在此讲述他们所参加的合唱团,故F项内容符合此处语境。
2. A。由本空后的In his basement和In his bedroom等信息可知,作者在介绍Bud所居住的房子。
3. D。由第二、三段内容可知,Bud所在的社区和作者生活的社区大不相同,D项是过渡句,在此起承上启下的作用。
4. C。由本空后的There were all kinds of stores nearby可知,C项内容符合此处语境。
5. B。由本空前的we lived in worlds set apart from others可知,“正是由于这样的原因,Bud感到自己的生活被隔绝了”。
1. G。本空前说的是搭建温室的“原因”,下文内容说的是搭建温室的“步骤”,故选G项。
2. E。根据本段中的laws, permit, approved可知,要先“了解搭建温室的相关规定,否则你可能会遭遇不好的结局”。
3. D。根据本段开头的determine what materials to purchase及随后列举的材料可知D项符合本段语境。
4. F。根据本段中的larger, smaller可知,“温室的大小基于你可利用的空间”。
5. B。根据本空前的some kind of understanding of how to build a greenhouse及下文建议查阅书籍可知,本段开头部分讨论的是如何寻找搭建温室的方法,而“上网”寻找为方法之一。
1. D。根据本空前一句内容可知,有些梦想需要花一辈子的时间去完成,“而有些可以一天之内就完成”。
2. G。G项中的what youwant for your life符合本空前一句中的life goals,Ask ... questions符合后一句中的What do you want to achieve ...。
3. F。F项中的which goalsare more important than others符合本段开头的priorities。
4. C。根据本空前一句内容可知,自己朝着某一目标取得的进步可以鼓舞自己,“甚至可以鼓励自己更加努力”。
5. A。根据本段中的set new goals及what you'd like to do next可知,本段建议“不断设定目标”。
1. A。根据本空后一句内容可知,很多人都受害羞的困扰,所以“如果你害羞的话,你不是一个人有这样的困扰”。
2. D。根据本空后一句内容可知,当跟家人在一起的时候,你不会害羞,也就是说“不是所有的情况下你都会害羞”。
3. E。根据本段中的Place your attention on others及When we stop focusing on ourselves可知,“把注意力放在他人身上很重要”。
4. C。根据本段中的hearing your own voice,Record yourself及Practice makes habits可知,本段建议“练习跟自己清楚地说话”。
5. B。根据本空后一句内容可知,即使你要跟别人比较,也要“现实地作比较”,因为每个人都有自己的问题,他们也许并没有你想象中那样厉害。

A. 1-5 CDACB 6-10CADCB
11-15 ADCDA 16-20BDACA
B. 1-5 ABACB 6-10ABCCD
11-15 BABCA 16-20BDBDD
C. 1-5 ADDAC 6-10BDBAB
11-15 CDCAA 16-20CBBAC
1. C。下文中的my mom's favorite chocolate cookies提示了本题答案。
2. D。根据下句中的won, beaten可知,直到一队“胜了(victorious)”其他所有队,游戏才结束。
3. A。根据下文中的Martie and I still control card games可推测,“通常(Usually)”都是Martie和作者赢。
4. C。根据上句中的one team可知,游戏是以“组(team)”为单位进行的。
5. B。根据上一句作者和妹妹又唱歌又跳舞可知,他们是“快乐的(happy)”。
6. C。根据本句中的The kids always put out cookies and milk for Santa可推测,父亲跟孩子们一起涂图画也是为了“留给(leave)”圣诞老人。
7. A。8. D。根据下文中的Westill open one gift that night可知,我们“允许(allow)”家里的每一个人打开一份“礼物(gift)”。
9. C。父亲给大家读圣诞节的故事是为了“提醒(reminding)”大家记着圣诞节的真正意义。
10. B。根据本空后的as my parents have moved to heaven and my girls are in college可知,家里的人少了,所以现在的平安夜有点“不同了(different)”。
11. A。根据下文作者描述的欢乐情景可知,作者的平安夜仍然是很“精彩的(wonderful)”。
12. D。本空前后多处出现的still提示了本题答案。
13. C。14. D。根据本句中的actually可推测,尽管作者和妹妹仍然控制扑克游戏,“但是(but)”她的女儿和她女儿的男朋友实际上很轻松就能“战胜(beat)”她们。
15. A。作者的父亲去世了,所以作者的妹夫“接管了(taken over)”父亲读圣诞节故事的任务。
16. B。根据文中出现的night可知,作者迫不及待等着平安“夜(night)”的到来。
17. D。根据上文内容可知,作者一大家子“一起(together)”过平安夜。
18. A。本空后的Whatever your traditions are提示了本题答案。
19. C。上段中的the true meaning of Christmas提示了本题答案。
20. A。作者认为告诉孩子们圣诞节的真正意义就是给孩子们的“最好(best)”礼物。
1. A。根据下句中的changed channels可知,电视上的那个旋钮是用来“换(change)”台的。
2. B。根据下句中的one channel可知,因为只有一个台清晰,所以作者“几乎不(rarely)”换台。
3. A。根据常识可知,天线是用来“接收(pick up)”电视讯号的。
4. C。根据本句中的I would share the shows he didn't see可知,作者和朋友分享彼此看到的电视节目,因此这里是说朋友向作者“描述(describe)”他看到的电视节目。
5. B。根据本空后的I always looked forward to it可知,作者认为跟朋友分享彼此看到的电视节目很“有趣(fun)”。
6. A。根据本空后的on an old station可知,这里是指作者现在可以收到上百个“频道(channels)”,但总是在一个老的电视台收看儿时电视节目的重播。
7. B。本空后的rerun指的是重播的电视节目,故此处应选watching。
8. C。下文中的my computer提示了本题答案。
9. C。10. D。11. B。根据下文中的pick up an old book to read可知,尽管作者电脑里有全世界各地的节目、视频和故事,“但是(However)”作者一次又一次发现自己感到“无聊(bored)”,所以作者会“关掉(turn ... off)”电脑。
12. A。此处指用看书“替代(instead)”看电脑上的内容。
13. B。根据上句内容可知,作者的女儿有部智能手机,而且使用很熟练,所以这里指作者的女儿能通过手机上网找到任何信息,故此处应选She。
14. C。根据下句中的fast可知,作者的女儿只用几“秒(seconds)”就能找到她需要的信息。
15. A。根据上句内容可知,作者不适应女儿的速度,所以他不“介意(mind)”慢慢查字典或者网络全书寻找自己需要的信息。
16. B。17. D。18. B。有时候作者认为自己太老了,跟不上这个世界的节奏,“但是(but)”作者“知道(know)”一件事:在当今信息爆炸的疯狂世界里,我们仍然需要找到“正确的(right)”方向。
19. D。根据上句中的turn your antenna to love可知,作者认为我们应该心中有爱,把每天的生活都和善良“联系(connect)”起来。
20. D。根据本空前后句内容可知,没有爱和善良,生活将没有“意义(meaning)”。
1. A。下文多处出现的waitress提示了本题答案。
2. D。本空下一句说的就是“之前(previous)”这对夫妇来吃饭的场景。
3. D。这对夫妇的女儿夭折了,很“令人悲痛(Sadly)”。
4. A。本段中的visit提示了本题答案。
5. C。这里指那对夫妇痛失爱女的“消息(news)”。
6. B。根据本段中的She just said ... There's nothing anyone can say to make that better可知,Lane不知道该“说(say)”什么,因为说什么都于事无补。
7. D。由于说什么都没用,“所以(so)”Lane用最好的服务招待这对夫妇。
8. B。为顾客买单不是服务员的职责,故extra(额外的)符合此处语境。
9. A。作者当时并不在场,所以当时的场景是“根据(According to)”Debbie Riddle发的帖子得知的。
10. B。下段中的The note提示了本题答案。
11. C。根据第一段中的went to the West Side Cafe for lunch可知,这对夫妇去餐厅吃饭,故这里指他们吃完“饭(meal)”时。
12. D。下文中的paid for the meal提示了本题答案。
13. C。此处指餐厅对这对夫妇痛失爱女表示遗憾。loss可以表示“损失”,符合此处语境。
14. A。15. A。便条的落款“表明(suggested)”是餐厅为这对夫妇买单的,而“实际上(actually)”是Lane自掏腰包为他们买单。
16. C。根据下段中的she always does so可推测,Lane有为顾客买单的“习惯(habit)”。
17. B。Lane认为她很“荣幸(honored)”能为诸如消防员等人买单。
18. B。根据本空前的anonymously可推测,Lane不想因为她的善举而得到“认可(recognition)”。
19. A。Lane为那对夫妇买单只是想享受“帮助(helping)”别人的满足。
20. C。此处指Lane帮助那对夫妇后,那对夫妇发帖引起关注的“经历(experience)”。

注: 因为超出字数限制了,所以还有两个完形填空的答案没法一并给出.

B. 2015英语《五年中考三年模拟答案》专题三答案

《五年中考三年抄模拟答案-2015年》 专题三 冠词




C. 求:英语名师面对面


D. 英语《名师面对面》答案


E. 英语专题集训答案

1. It takes us a hour or more to go to my hometown by a train.
2. My friend Simon likes to play the football before the supper.
3. What a bad weather we are having! We’ve never had so rainy days.
4. Mr. Wu often gives us some good informations by e-mail.
5. I can hardly see any sheeps on the top of the mountain.
6. It is said that the police has found some clues that might lead to the arrest of the murderer.
7. There are thirty woman teachers in our school.
8. The student with his friends are helping the old man do the housework.
9. ----A latest English newspaper, please!
----Only one left. Would you like to have one, sir?.
10. ----Is anybody here?
----No, Andy and Jack have asked for leave.
11. The two-hours documentary takes a close look at the Asian tiger.
12. These people want to have some fishes for supper, so they decide to catch much now.
13. Whom do you think knows the answer to the question?
14. Simon sits between Amy and I.
15. Mrs. Li teaches our English. We like his class very much.
16. Look! Some pieces of paper are on the floor. Let’s pick it up.
17. “Please help yourself to some fruit, children”,Granny said.
18. The weather here is quite different from the one of Chongqing.
19. ----More and more people think that necessary to let the students teach themselves.
----That’s true. They can improve themselves in this way.
20. I think there is wrong something with my CD player. It doesn’t work.
21. When night fell, I was too tired to do something else.
22. Not every child like hamburgers.
23. The Smiths have visited two famous cities. One is in Jiangsu and another is in Zhejiang.
24. Comrade Lei Feng thought more of the others than of himself.
25. She has kept everyone of her son’s letters.
26. This maths problem is so difficult that only few students can work it out.
27. Could you tell me how much your telephone number is?
28. ----How long is it from our school to the bridge?
----About half an hour’s bus ride. Shall we go and visit it?
29. He will stay here for one and a half month.
30. Every year, two millions of fishes are killed by the polluted water and many people are made sick by the polluted air.
31. Nanjing is a city with many places of interest, thousand of tourists come here every year.
32. Two fifth of the land in that place is covered with trees and grass.
33. The travellers set off in the morning of May 3.
34. He lost the key of the door of his classroom.
35. Ann has been late three times on the morning of last Monday.
36. There are a lot of apples in the tree. A boy on the tree is picking them.
37. I study English by TV and listen to the music by the radio.
38. Would you like to help post this letter to me? I have no time now.
39. Amy thinks aliens may do harm for her.
40. It is very important of us to practise speaking English as much as possible.
41. It is silly for you not to forgive others for their faults.
42. By the end of last month we learned two thousand English words.
43. Hangzhou is famous as procing silk in China.
44. The books are made from paper and these computers are made from China.
45. Today Simon is late again like usual.
46. Kitty didn’t come to school yesterday because her illness.
47. Each student will have their own online teacher is called ‘e-teacher’.
48. ----Would you like some coffee?
----Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee to milk.
49. This kind of skirt looks well and sells good.
50. When Audrey Hepburn died, the whole world mourned the lose of a great beauty.
51. If you don’t want to go hiking, I won’t ,too.
52. We are very exciting about holding the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.
53. The sweater is very beautiful, but it’s too much dear.
54. The old man lives by himself, but he never feels alone.
55. There’re many trees and flowers on every side of the street.
56. My home is about 5 kilometres far away from the city.
57. Our teacher is going to fly to New York sometimes next year.
58. The man speaks English as good as an American, so we all believe that he has stayed in America for many years.
59. The more you think about his question, the more interested you will feel it.
60. He bought a new house in Jiangning because it cost much cheaper than one in the centre of Nanjing.
61. -----Have you bought that digital camera?
----No, I can’t afford it. This price is a bit too expensive, I think.
62. We have never seen so a good film before. It’s very interesting.
63. Our classroom must be kept cleaning every day.
64. This pair of shoes is too small for me to wear it
65. He ran very fast, but he couldn’t run enough fast to catch the other runners.
66. It’s nothing serious. You’ve just caught a bit a cold.
67. Guangzhou is larger than any other city in Guangxi.
68. Nanjing is one of the most beautiful city in China. It attracts large numbers of tourists.
69. Bruce is shortest boy but runs fastest in his class.
70. Sandy sings the best in the three girls.
71. My hometown is becoming more beautiful and more beautiful.
72. The Yellow River is the second long river in China.
73. Of the two Australian students, Masha is the tallest one. I think you can find her easily.
74. When Mr. Jiang returned back home from work, his flat would be as clean as new.
75. My grandpa took me some local procts from my home town when he came to see me last year.
76. Yesterday a number of people was waiting for a bus when the accident happened.
77. The geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth moved around the sun.
78. I want to know if he comes here if he is free tomorrow.
79. In the past few years, they built a lot of new factories.
80. ----How long has the film begun?
----For about half an hour.

1. You can call me Simon. (双宾语结构)
e.g. 1) 我们喊她鲁茜。 We ____________ ____________ Lucy.
2) -- 你们把它们称为什么? -- 光盘。
____________ ____________ you call ____________? -- CDs.
2. She walks home after school. / She goes home on foot after school.
e.g. 1) 他经常坐火车去上海。
He often goes to Shanghai ____________ ____________.
He often ____________ ____________ ____________ to Shanghai.
2) 他爸爸每天骑车上班。
His father goes to walk ____________ ____________ every day.
His father ___________ ___________ ___________ to work every day.
3) 她妈妈有时乘飞机去广东。
Sometimes, her mother goes to Guangdong ___________ ___________.
Sometimes, her mother ____________ ____________ Guangdong.
3. How do you say that in English? (注意say, speak, tell, ask用法上的区别)
e.g. 1) 妈妈经常对我说:“你一定要好好学习。”
Mum often ____________ __________ me, “You must work hard. ”
2) 吉姆英语讲得很好. Jim can ____________ ___________ very well.
3) 我外祖父经常给我讲故事。
My grandfather often ____________ me stories.
4) 我能问你一个问题吗? May I ____________ you a question?
我们使用一般现在时当我们谈论 1) 客观真理 2) 现在的事情 3) 我们经常性做的事情
e.g. 1) 猫吃鱼。 Cats ____________ fish.
2) 米莉现在住在北京的一个公寓房里吗?
____________ Millie ____________ in a flat in Beijing?
3) 在周末,我爸爸通常跑步半小时。
At the weekend, my father usually ____________ ____________ for half an hour.
4) 你现在是阅读兴趣小组的一员吗?
____________ you a member of the Reading Club?
5) 我不每天在晚饭后带我的狗散步。
I ____________ ____________ my dog for a walk after supper every day.

F. 求2015衡水金卷新课标调研卷英语三答案

G. 2015年6月英语三级AB级答案

бб 318024020 AB级 靠谱答案
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H. 云南2015年面对面英语专题试卷答案


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